SugarCrm consists of of a core framework, MVC modules and UI widgets called dashlets, as well as a lot of other functionality. Some modules like the built in CRM modules are handcrafted, to contain very specific business logic, and other are generated using a built in tool called Module Builder.
On top of all the modules generated through module builder, SugarCrm supplies a set of generic web services, that can be used to manipulate records in those modules, provided that you have a valid username and password. This allows for integration from other systems.
I will show how you can insert, retrieve and delete a record using C# and WCF.
First a simple supporting class for throwing exceptions
using System; namespace SugarCrmWebserviceTests { public class SugarCrmException : Exception { public SugarCrmException(string errorNumber, string description) : base (description) { ErrorNumber = errorNumber; } public string ErrorNumber { get; private set; } } }
Then the full integration test with supporting helper private methods
- insert of a record with known values
- retrieve the just inserted record and compare with the known values
- mark the record deleted (this is also an example of how to do an record update)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.ServiceModel; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using SugarCrmWebserviceTests.SugarCrm; namespace SugarCrmWebserviceTests { public class WebserviceTests { // The internal sugarcrm name for the module (normally the same as the underlying table) private const string ModuleName = "Incident"; // The key matches the module field name (database table column name) // and the value is the value to be inserted/update into this field // id is a special field: // if id exists in the database then you will update that row // if you leave it empty (string.Empty) then you will insert a new row private readonly Dictionary<string,string> _incident = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"id", string.Empty}, {"name", "Clark Kent"}, {"description", "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"}, {"status", "Open"}, {"category", "Question"} }; private const string ServiceUrl = ""; private const string SugarCrmUsername = "YOUR_SUGAR_USERNAME"; private const string SugarCrmPassword = "YOUR_SUGAR_PASSWORD"; private readonly sugarsoapPortType _sugarServiceClient; private string SessionId { get; set; } private string RecordId { get; set; } public WebserviceTests() { _sugarServiceClient = ChannelFactory<sugarsoapPortType>.CreateChannel(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(ServiceUrl)); } [TestFixtureSetUp] public void BeforeAnyTestsHaveRun() { // The session is valid until either you are logged out or after 30 minutes of inactivity Login(); } [TestFixtureTearDown] public void AfterAllTestsHaveRun() { Logout(); } [Test] public void InsertReadDelete() { InsertRecordInSugarCrmModule(); RetrieveInsertedRecordFromSugarCrmModule(); DeleteEntry(); } private void InsertRecordInSugarCrmModule() { // arrange // act var result = _sugarServiceClient.set_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, _incident.Select(nameValue => new name_value { name = nameValue.Key, value = nameValue.Value }).ToArray()); CheckResultForError(result); RecordId =; // assert Assert.AreEqual("0", result.error.number); } private void RetrieveInsertedRecordFromSugarCrmModule() { // arrange var fieldsToRetrieve = new[] { "id", "name", "description", "status", "category" }; // act var result = _sugarServiceClient.get_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, RecordId, fieldsToRetrieve); CheckResultForError(result); // assert Assert.AreEqual(_incident["name"], GetValueFromNameValueList("name", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list)); Assert.AreEqual(_incident["description"], GetValueFromNameValueList("description", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list)); Assert.AreEqual(_incident["status"], GetValueFromNameValueList("status", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list)); Assert.AreEqual(_incident["category"], GetValueFromNameValueList("category", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list)); } private void DeleteEntry() { // arrange var deletedIncident = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"id", RecordId}, {"deleted", "1"}, }; // act var result = _sugarServiceClient.set_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, deletedIncident.Select(nameValue => new name_value { name = nameValue.Key, value = nameValue.Value }).ToArray()); CheckResultForError(result); // assert } private void Login() { var sugarUserAuthentication = new user_auth { user_name = SugarCrmUsername, password = Md5Encrypt(SugarCrmPassword) }; var sugarAuthenticatedUser = _sugarServiceClient.login(sugarUserAuthentication, "Some Application Name"); SessionId =; } private void Logout() { //logout _sugarServiceClient.logout(SessionId); } private static string GetValueFromNameValueList(string key, IEnumerable<name_value> nameValues) { return nameValues.Where(nv => == key).ToArray()[0].value; } /// <summary> /// You can only call this method with objects that contain SugarCrm.error_value classes in the root /// and the property accessor is called error. There is no compile time checking for this, if you pass /// an object that does not contain this then you will get a runtime error /// </summary> /// <param name="result">object contain SugarCrm.error_value class in the root and the property accessor is called error</param> private static void CheckResultForError(dynamic result) { if (result.error.number != "0" && result.error.description != "No Error") { throw new SugarCrmException(result.error.number, result.error.description); } } private static string Md5Encrypt(string valueString) { var ret = String.Empty; var md5Hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(valueString); data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(data); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { ret += data[i].ToString("x2").ToLower(); } return ret; } } }
Hello, I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 project using Entity Framework Model First. I need some assistance in building a few repositories, viewmodels and controllers to implement CRUDs for Junction tables. I'm willing to pay you 400 euros for up to 8 hours of work (this is a very small site most of the code is done, I'm just having issues with many to many). Let me know if your interested, if so, email me at
Hi Fred
I am on a pretty tight time schedule here but if you can send me a few table definitions that illustrate where the difficulties lie, then I will see if I can find the time to whip up a fast blog posting about how I would do it. It is often faster to conceptualize a solution than to actually implement it, with validations, business logic, change in requirements, that I why I think it much more likely that I will find the time for a blog posting than actually finish the project...
The flexibility of SugarCRM’s Web Services allows to choose the integration programming models and operating systems that are already using for project. Sugar call the external system over web services to send data to it, and the other system leverages Sugar’s Web Services API to send data back.
Thanks for a great article!! How does one implement the code using Visual Studio? I assume it is a WCF project?
I'd like to use your code as a starting point and eventually code classes to update SugarCRM objects using C#.
This project was done using the old style .NET soap web services. But I don't see any problems in doing this using WCF.
You need to either make a WCF reference or a web service reference to http://YOUR_SUGARCRM_SITE/soap.php?wsdl which will create the VS proxy for the remote web service, then you can call methods on the remote SugarCrm web service.
Please bear in mind that the SugarCrm web service are based on array structures with weakly typed string keys and values, which can make it a bit strange to work with in .NET, but you can wrap some of the SugarCrm internal types in "easier to work with" .NET equivalents.
Please be free to use the code here as a starting point.
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