SugarCrm consists of of a core framework, MVC modules and UI widgets called dashlets, as well as a lot of other functionality. Some modules like the built in CRM modules are handcrafted, to contain very specific business logic, and other are generated using a built in tool called Module Builder.
On top of all the modules generated through module builder, SugarCrm supplies a set of generic web services, that can be used to manipulate records in those modules, provided that you have a valid username and password. This allows for integration from other systems.
I will show how you can insert, retrieve and delete a record using C# and WCF.
First a simple supporting class for throwing exceptions
using System;
namespace SugarCrmWebserviceTests
public class SugarCrmException : Exception
public SugarCrmException(string errorNumber, string description) : base (description)
ErrorNumber = errorNumber;
public string ErrorNumber { get; private set; }
Then the full integration test with supporting helper private methods
- insert of a record with known values
- retrieve the just inserted record and compare with the known values
- mark the record deleted (this is also an example of how to do an record update)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using SugarCrmWebserviceTests.SugarCrm;
namespace SugarCrmWebserviceTests
public class WebserviceTests
// The internal sugarcrm name for the module (normally the same as the underlying table)
private const string ModuleName = "Incident";
// The key matches the module field name (database table column name)
// and the value is the value to be inserted/update into this field
// id is a special field:
// if id exists in the database then you will update that row
// if you leave it empty (string.Empty) then you will insert a new row
private readonly Dictionary<string,string> _incident = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"id", string.Empty},
{"name", "Clark Kent"},
{"description", "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"},
{"status", "Open"},
{"category", "Question"}
private const string ServiceUrl = "";
private const string SugarCrmUsername = "YOUR_SUGAR_USERNAME";
private const string SugarCrmPassword = "YOUR_SUGAR_PASSWORD";
private readonly sugarsoapPortType _sugarServiceClient;
private string SessionId { get; set; }
private string RecordId { get; set; }
public WebserviceTests()
_sugarServiceClient = ChannelFactory<sugarsoapPortType>.CreateChannel(new BasicHttpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress(ServiceUrl));
public void BeforeAnyTestsHaveRun()
// The session is valid until either you are logged out or after 30 minutes of inactivity
public void AfterAllTestsHaveRun()
public void InsertReadDelete()
private void InsertRecordInSugarCrmModule()
// arrange
// act
var result = _sugarServiceClient.set_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, _incident.Select(nameValue => new name_value { name = nameValue.Key, value = nameValue.Value }).ToArray());
RecordId =;
// assert
Assert.AreEqual("0", result.error.number);
private void RetrieveInsertedRecordFromSugarCrmModule()
// arrange
var fieldsToRetrieve = new[] { "id", "name", "description", "status", "category" };
// act
var result = _sugarServiceClient.get_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, RecordId, fieldsToRetrieve);
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(_incident["name"], GetValueFromNameValueList("name", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list));
Assert.AreEqual(_incident["description"], GetValueFromNameValueList("description", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list));
Assert.AreEqual(_incident["status"], GetValueFromNameValueList("status", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list));
Assert.AreEqual(_incident["category"], GetValueFromNameValueList("category", result.entry_list[0].name_value_list));
private void DeleteEntry()
// arrange
var deletedIncident = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"id", RecordId},
{"deleted", "1"},
// act
var result = _sugarServiceClient.set_entry(SessionId, ModuleName, deletedIncident.Select(nameValue => new name_value { name = nameValue.Key, value = nameValue.Value }).ToArray());
// assert
private void Login()
var sugarUserAuthentication = new user_auth { user_name = SugarCrmUsername, password = Md5Encrypt(SugarCrmPassword) };
var sugarAuthenticatedUser = _sugarServiceClient.login(sugarUserAuthentication, "Some Application Name");
SessionId =;
private void Logout()
private static string GetValueFromNameValueList(string key, IEnumerable<name_value> nameValues)
return nameValues.Where(nv => == key).ToArray()[0].value;
/// <summary>
/// You can only call this method with objects that contain SugarCrm.error_value classes in the root
/// and the property accessor is called error. There is no compile time checking for this, if you pass
/// an object that does not contain this then you will get a runtime error
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">object contain SugarCrm.error_value class in the root and the property accessor is called error</param>
private static void CheckResultForError(dynamic result)
if (result.error.number != "0" && result.error.description != "No Error")
throw new SugarCrmException(result.error.number, result.error.description);
private static string Md5Encrypt(string valueString)
var ret = String.Empty;
var md5Hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(valueString);
data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(data);
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
ret += data[i].ToString("x2").ToLower();
return ret;