Index: include/EditView/EditView2.php
--- include/EditView/EditView2.php (revision 1)
+++ include/EditView/EditView2.php (working copy)
@@ -433,13 +433,17 @@
function display($showTitle = true, $ajaxSave = false) {
global $mod_strings, $sugar_config, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $theme, $current_user;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ $tempscript='';
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
if(isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript'])) {
if(is_array($this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript'])) {
$this->th->ss->assign('externalJSFile', 'modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/editvewdefs.js');
} else {
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ //$this->th->ss->assign('scriptBlocks', $this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript']);
+ $tempscript=$this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript'];
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
@@ -447,6 +451,21 @@
$this->th->ss->assign('offset', $this->offset + 1);
$this->th->ss->assign('APP', $app_strings);
$this->th->ss->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ foreach($this->fieldDefs as $key => $val){
+ if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation']['functionName']) && !empty($this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation']['functionName'])){
+ if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$key]['customjs'])){
+ $tempscript.='{literal}<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">'.html_entity_decode($this->fieldDefs[$key]['customjs'],ENT_QUOTES).'</script>{/literal}';
+ }
+ if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation'])&& is_array($this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation'])!=true){
+ $this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation'] = unserialize(html_entity_decode($this->fieldDefs[$key]['validation']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->th->ss->assign('scriptBlocks', $tempscript);
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
$this->th->ss->assign('fields', $this->fieldDefs);
$this->th->ss->assign('sectionPanels', $this->sectionPanels);
$this->th->ss->assign('returnModule', $this->returnModule);
Index: include/javascript/javascript.php
--- include/javascript/javascript.php (revision 1)
+++ include/javascript/javascript.php (working copy)
@@ -124,6 +124,33 @@
$this->addFieldDateBeforeAllowBlank($dispField,$this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['type'],$vname,$required,$prefix, $compareTo );
else $this->addFieldDateBefore($dispField,$this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['type'],$vname,$required,$prefix, $compareTo );
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ case 'customFunction':
+ $functionName = $this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['validation']['functionName'];
+ if(!empty($functionName)){
+ $errorMessage = $this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['validation']['errorMessage'];
+ $fieldType = $this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['validation']['type'];
+ $required = 'true';
+ if(!empty($displayField)){
+ $dispField = $displayField;
+ }
+ else{
+ $dispField = $field;
+ }
+ $this->addToValidateCustomFunction($dispField,$fieldType,$vname,$required,$prefix,$functionName,$errorMessage);
+ }else{
+ if(!empty($displayField)){
+ $dispField = $displayField;
+ }
+ else{
+ $dispField = $field;
+ }
+ $type = (!empty($this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['custom_type']))?$this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['custom_type']:$this->sugarbean->field_name_map[$field]['type'];
+ $this->addFieldGeneric($dispField,$type,$vname,$required,$prefix );
+ }
+ break;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
$dispField = $displayField;
@@ -208,7 +235,11 @@
$arr = $json->encode($arr);
$this->script .= "addToValidateIsInArray('{$this->formname}', '{$name}', '{$type}', {$req}, '".$this->stripEndColon(translate($displayName,$this->sugarbean->module_dir))."', '{$arr}', '{$operator}');\n";
+ function addToValidateCustomFunction($field, $type, $displayName, $required, $prefix='',$functionName='',$errorMessage=''){
+ $this->script .= "addToValidateCustomFunction('".$this->formname."', '".$prefix.$field."', '".$type . "', $required,'".$this->stripEndColon(translate($displayName,$this->sugarbean->module_dir))."' , '$functionName','".$this->stripEndColon(translate($errorMessage,$this->sugarbean->module_dir))."' );\n";
+ }
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
function addAllFields($prefix,$skip_fields=null, $translate = false){
if (!isset($skip_fields))
Index: include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js
--- include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js (revision 1)
+++ include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js (working copy)
@@ -32,6 +32,24 @@
* technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words
* "Powered by SugarCRM".
+/*HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)*/
+var customFunctionName = '';
+/*HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)*/
+/*HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)*/
+function addToValidateCustomFunction(formname, name, type, required, msg, functionName, errorMessage) {
+ required = false;
+ if (errorMessage != '') {
+ msg = msg + " " + errorMessage;
+ }
+ addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg);
+ validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'customFunction';
+ validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][customFunctionName] = functionName;
+/*HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)*/
if(typeof(SUGAR)=="undefined")SUGAR={};if(typeof(SUGAR.themes)=="undefined")SUGAR.themes={};SUGAR.sugarHome={};SUGAR.subpanelUtils={};SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass={};SUGAR.tabChooser={};SUGAR.util={};SUGAR.savedViews={};SUGAR.dashlets={};SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced={};SUGAR.searchForm={};SUGAR.language={};SUGAR.Studio={};SUGAR.contextMenu={};var dtCh="-";var minYear=1900;var maxYear=2100;var nameIndex=0;var typeIndex=1;var requiredIndex=2;var msgIndex=3;var jstypeIndex=5;var minIndex=10;var maxIndex=11;var altMsgIndex=15;var compareToIndex=7;var arrIndex=12;var operatorIndex=13;var allowblank=8;var validate=new Array();var maxHours=24;var requiredTxt='Missing Required Field:'
var invalidTxt='Invalid Value:'
var secondsSinceLoad=0;var inputsWithErrors=new Array();var lastSubmitTime=0;var alertList=new Array();var oldStartsWith='';function isSupportedIE(){var userAgent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if(userAgent.indexOf("msie")!=-1&&userAgent.indexOf("mac")==-1&&userAgent.indexOf("opera")==-1){var version=navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.\..)/)[1];if(version>=5.5){return true;}else{return false;}}}
@@ -161,53 +179,356 @@
function hex2dec(hex){return(parseInt(hex,16));}
var hexDigit=new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F");function dec2hex(dec){return(hexDigit[dec>>4]+hexDigit[dec&15]);}
function fade_error_style(normalStyle,percent){errorStyle='c60c30';var r1=hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(0,2));var g1=hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(2,4));var b1=hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(4,6));var r2=hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(0,2));var g2=hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(2,4));var b2=hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(4,6));var pc=percent/100;r=Math.floor(r1+(pc*(r2-r1))+.5);g=Math.floor(g1+(pc*(g2-g1))+.5);b=Math.floor(b1+(pc*(b2-b1))+.5);for(var wp=0;wp<inputsWithErrors.length;wp++){inputsWithErrors[wp].style.backgroundColor="#"+dec2hex(r)+dec2hex(g)+dec2hex(b);}}
+function validate_form(formname, startsWith) {
+ requiredTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS');
+ invalidTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_INVALID_VALUE');
+ if (typeof(formname) == 'undefined') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (typeof(validate[formname]) == 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var form = document.forms[formname];
+ var isError = false;
+ var errorMsg = "";
+ var _date = new Date();
+ if (_date.getTime() < (lastSubmitTime + 2000) && startsWith == oldStartsWith) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ lastSubmitTime = _date.getTime();
+ oldStartsWith = startsWith;
+ clear_all_errors();
+ inputsWithErrors = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < validate[formname].length; i++) {
+ if (validate[formname][i][nameIndex].indexOf(startsWith) == 0) {
+ if (typeof form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]] != 'undefined') {
+ var bail = false;
+ if (validate[formname][i][requiredIndex] && validate[formname][i][typeIndex] != 'bool') {
+ if (typeof form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]] == 'undefined' || trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value) == "") {
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], requiredTxt + ' ' + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ isError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bail) {
+ switch (validate[formname][i][typeIndex]) {
+ case 'email':
+ if (!isValidEmail(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'time':
+ if (!isTime(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'date':
+ if (!isDate(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'alpha':
+ break;
+ case 'DBName':
+ if (!isDBName(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'alphanumeric':
+ break;
+ case 'int':
+ if (!isInteger(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'currency':
+ case 'float':
+ if (!isFloat(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value))) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'teamset_mass':
+ div_element_id = formname + '_' + form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].name + '_operation_div';
+ input_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('input', document.getElementById(div_element_id));
+ primary_field_id = '';
+ validation_passed = false;
+ replace_selected = false;
+ for (t in input_elements) {
+ if (input_elements[t].type && input_elements[t].type == 'radio' && input_elements[t].checked == true && input_elements[t].value == 'replace') {
+ radio_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('input[type=radio]', document.getElementById(formname + '_team_name_table'));
+ for (x in radio_elements) {
+ if (radio_elements[x].name != 'team_name_type') {
+ primary_field_id = 'team_name_collection_' + radio_elements[x].value;
+ if (radio_elements[x].checked) {
+ replace_selected = true;
+ if (trim(document.forms[formname].elements[primary_field_id].value) != '') {
+ validation_passed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (trim(document.forms[formname].elements[primary_field_id].value) != '') {
+ replace_selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (replace_selected && !validation_passed) {
+ add_error_style(formname, primary_field_id, SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_NO_PRIMARY_TEAM_SPECIFIED'));
+ isError = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'teamset':
+ table_element_id = formname + '_' + form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].name + '_table';
+ if (document.getElementById(table_element_id)) {
+ input_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('input[type=radio]', document.getElementById(table_element_id));
+ has_primary = false;
+ primary_field_id = form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].name + '_collection_0';
+ for (t in input_elements) {
+ primary_field_id = form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].name + '_collection_' + input_elements[t].value;
+ if (input_elements[t].type && input_elements[t].type == 'radio' && input_elements[t].checked == true) {
+ if (document.forms[formname].elements[primary_field_id].value != '') {
+ has_primary = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!has_primary) {
+ isError = true;
+ field_id = form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].name + '_collection_' + input_elements[0].value;
+ add_error_style(formname, field_id, SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_NO_PRIMARY_TEAM_SPECIFIED'));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'error':
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (typeof validate[formname][i][jstypeIndex] != 'undefined') {
+ switch (validate[formname][i][jstypeIndex]) {
+ case 'range':
+ if (!inRange(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value), validate[formname][i][minIndex], validate[formname][i][maxIndex])) {
+ isError = true;
+ var lbl_validate_range = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_VALIDATE_RANGE');
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex] + " value " + form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value + " " + lbl_validate_range + " (" + validate[formname][i][minIndex] + " - " + validate[formname][i][maxIndex] + ") ");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'isbefore':
+ compareTo = form[validate[formname][i][compareToIndex]];
+ if (typeof compareTo != 'undefined') {
+ if (trim(compareTo.value) != '' || (validate[formname][i][allowblank] != 'true')) {
+ date2 = trim(compareTo.value);
+ date1 = trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value);
+ if (trim(date1).length != 0 && !isBefore(date1, date2)) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex] + "(" + date1 + ") " + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'MSG_IS_NOT_BEFORE') + ' ' + date2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'less':
+ value = parseInt(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value));
+ maximum = parseInt(validate[formname][i][maxIndex]);
+ if (typeof maximum != 'undefined') {
+ if (value > maximum) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex] + " " + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'MSG_IS_MORE_THAN') + ' ' + validate[formname][i][altMsgIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'more':
+ value = parseInt(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value));
+ minimum = parseInt(validate[formname][i][minIndex]);
+ if (typeof minimum != 'undefined') {
+ if (value < minimum) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex] + " " + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'MSG_SHOULD_BE') + ' ' + minimum + ' ' + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'MSG_OR_GREATER'));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'binarydep':
+ compareTo = form[validate[formname][i][compareToIndex]];
+ if (typeof compareTo != 'undefined') {
+ item1 = trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value);
+ item2 = trim(compareTo.value);
+ if (!bothExist(item1, item2)) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'comparison':
+ compareTo = form[validate[formname][i][compareToIndex]];
+ if (typeof compareTo != 'undefined') {
+ item1 = trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value);
+ item2 = trim(compareTo.value);
+ if (!bothExist(item1, item2) || item1 != item2) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'in_array':
+ arr = eval(validate[formname][i][arrIndex]);
+ operator = validate[formname][i][operatorIndex];
+ item1 = trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value);
+ if (operator.charAt(0) == 'u') {
+ item1 = item1.toUpperCase();
+ operator = operator.substring(1);
+ } else if (operator.charAt(0) == 'l') {
+ item1 = item1.toLowerCase();
+ operator = operator.substring(1);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
+ val = arr[j];
+ if ((operator == "==" && val == item1) || (operator == "!=" && val != item1)) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], invalidTxt + " " + validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'verified':
+ if (trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value) == 'false') {
+ isError = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ case 'customFunction':
+ var functionName = validate[formname][i][customFunctionName];
+ var fn = functionName + '(\'' + formname + '\')';
+ var execstatus = true;
+ try {
+ execstatus = eval(fn);
+ } catch (err) {
+ alert(err);
+ execstatus = false;
+ }
+ if (execstatus == false) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex]);
+ }
+ break;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (formsWithFieldLogic) {
+ var invalidLogic = false;
+ if (formsWithFieldLogic.min && formsWithFieldLogic.max && formsWithFieldLogic._default) {
+ var showErrorsOn = {
+ min: {
+ value: 'min',
+ show: false,
+ obj: formsWithFieldLogic.min.value
+ }, max: {
+ value: 'max',
+ show: false,
+ obj: formsWithFieldLogic.max.value
+ }, _default: {
+ value: 'default',
+ show: false,
+ obj: formsWithFieldLogic._default.value
+ }, len: {
+ value: 'len',
+ show: false,
+ obj: parseInt(formsWithFieldLogic.len.value)
+ }
+ };
+ var min = (formsWithFieldLogic.min.value != '') ? parseInt(formsWithFieldLogic.min.value) : 'undef';
+ var max = (formsWithFieldLogic.max.value != '') ? parseInt(formsWithFieldLogic.max.value) : 'undef';
+ var _default = (formsWithFieldLogic._default.value != '') ? parseInt(formsWithFieldLogic._default.value) : 'undef';
+ for (var i in showErrorsOn) {
+ if (showErrorsOn[i].value != 'len' && showErrorsOn[i].obj.length > showErrorsOn.len.obj) {
+ invalidLogic = true;
+ showErrorsOn[i].show = true;
+ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min != 'undef' && max != 'undef' && _default != 'undef') {
+ if (!inRange(_default, min, max)) {
+ invalidLogic = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min != 'undef' && max != 'undef' && min > max) {
+ invalidLogic = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ }
+ if (min != 'undef' && _default != 'undef' && _default < min) {
+ invalidLogic = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ }
+ if (max != 'undef' && _default != 'undef' && _default > max) {
+ invalidLogic = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ }
+ if (invalidLogic) {
+ isError = true;
+ for (var error in showErrorsOn)
+ if (showErrorsOn[error].show) add_error_style(formname, showErrorsOn[error].value, formsWithFieldLogic.msg);
+ }
+ else if (!isError) formsWithFieldLogic = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (formWithPrecision) {
+ if (!isValidPrecision(formWithPrecision.float.value, formWithPrecision.precision.value)) {
+ isError = true;
+ add_error_style(formname, 'default', SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_COMPATIBLE_PRECISION_VALUE'));
+ } else if (!isError) {
+ isError = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isError == true) {
+ var nw, ne, sw, se;
+ if (self.pageYOffset) {
+ nwX = self.pageXOffset;
+ seX = self.innerWidth;
+ nwY = self.pageYOffset;
+ seY = self.innerHeight;
+ }
+ else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
+ nwX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ seX = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ nwY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ seY = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ }
+ else if (document.body) {
+ nwX = document.body.scrollLeft;
+ seX = document.body.clientWidth;
+ nwY = document.body.scrollTop;
+ seY = document.body.clientHeight;
+ }
+ var inView = true;
+ for (var wp = 0; wp < inputsWithErrors.length; wp++) {
+ var elementCoor = findElementPos(inputsWithErrors[wp]);
+ if (!(elementCoor.x >= nwX && elementCoor.y >= nwY && elementCoor.x <= seX && elementCoor.y <= seY)) {
+ inView = false;
+ scrollToTop = elementCoor.y - 75;
+ scrollToLeft = elementCoor.x - 75;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!inView) window.scrollTo(scrollToTop, scrollToLeft);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
var marked_row=new Array;function setPointer(theRow,theRowNum,theAction,theDefaultColor,thePointerColor,theMarkColor){var theCells=null;if((thePointerColor==''&&theMarkColor=='')||typeof('undefined'){return false;}
else if(typeof(theRow.cells)!='undefined'){theCells=theRow.cells;}
Index: modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/Forms/coreTop.tpl
--- modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/Forms/coreTop.tpl (revision 1)
+++ modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/Forms/coreTop.tpl (working copy)
@@ -83,7 +83,37 @@
<td class='mbLBL'>{$MOD.COLUMN_TITLE_HELP_TEXT}:</td><td>{if $hideLevel < 5 }<input type="text" name="help" value="{$}">{else}<input type="hidden" name="help" value="{$}">{$}{/if}
+{* HACK: MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave) -- MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)*}
+ <td>{if $hideLevel < 5 && $MB == 1}
+ <input type="text" name="validation" value="{$vardef.validation.functionName}">
+ {else}
+ <input type="hidden" name="validation" value="{$vardef.validation.functionName}">{$vardef.validation.functionName}
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ <td class='mbLBL'>{$MOD.COLUMN_TITLE_CUSTOMJS_TEXT}</td>
+ <td>{if $hideLevel < 5 && $MB == 1}
+ <textarea name="customjs">{$vardef.customjs}</textarea>
+ {else}
+ <input type="hidden" name="customjs" value="{$vardef.customjs}">{$vardef.customjs}
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ <td>{if $hideLevel < 5 && $MB == 1}
+ <input type="text" name="customerrormsg" value="{$vardef.validation.errorMessage}">
+ {else}
+ <input type="hidden" name="customerrormsg" value="{$vardef.validation.errorMessage}">{$vardef.validation.errorMessage}
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+{* HACK: MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave) *}
<td class='mbLBL'>{$MOD.COLUMN_TITLE_COMMENT_TEXT}:</td><td>{if $hideLevel < 5 }<input type="text" name="comments" value="{$vardef.comments}">{else}<input type="hidden" name="comment" value="{$vardef.comment}">{$vardef.comment}{/if}
Index: modules/EditCustomFields/language/en_us.lang.php
--- modules/EditCustomFields/language/en_us.lang.php (revision 1)
+++ modules/EditCustomFields/language/en_us.lang.php (working copy)
@@ -92,4 +92,10 @@
'LBL_BTN_EDIT_VISIBILITY'=>'Edit Visibility',
+// HACK: MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave) -- MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+$mod_strings['COLUMN_TITLE_CUSTOMJS_NAME_TEXT']='JS Function Name:';
+$mod_strings['COLUMN_TITLE_CUSTOMJS_TEXT']='JS Function Code:';
+$mod_strings['COLUMN_TITLE_CUSTOMJS_ERROR_TEXT']='JS Error Message:';
+//HACK: MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
Index: modules/EditCustomFields/vardefs.php
--- modules/EditCustomFields/vardefs.php (revision 1)
+++ modules/EditCustomFields/vardefs.php (working copy)
@@ -66,4 +66,9 @@
array('name' => 'idx_meta_cm_del', 'type' => 'index', 'fields' => array('custom_module', 'deleted')),
+//HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+$dictionary['FieldsMetaData']['fields']['customjs']=array('name' =>'customjs','type' =>'text','default'=>'');
+$dictionary['FieldsMetaData']['fields']['validation']=array('name' =>'validation','type' =>'text','default'=>'');
+//HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
Index: modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php
--- modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php (revision 1)
+++ modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php (working copy)
@@ -332,11 +332,21 @@
$mb = new ModuleBuilder ( ) ;
$module = & $mb->getPackageModule ( $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ) ;
$field->save ( $module ) ;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['validation']) && isset($_REQUEST['customjs']) && mb_strlen(trim($_REQUEST['validation']))>0 && mb_strlen(trim($_REQUEST['customjs']))>0){
+ $module->mbvardefs->vardef['fields'][$_REQUEST['name']]['validation']=array('type' => 'customFunction','functionName'=>$_REQUEST['validation'],'errorMessage'=>'LBL_'.mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['name']).'_JS_ERR_MSG');
+ $module->mbvardefs->vardef['fields'][$_REQUEST['name']]['customjs']=$_REQUEST['customjs'];
+ }
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
$module->mbvardefs->save () ;
// get the module again to refresh the labels we might have saved with the $field->save (e.g., for address fields)
$module = & $mb->getPackageModule ( $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ) ;
if (isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'label' ] ) && isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'labelValue' ] ))
$module->setLabel ( $GLOBALS [ 'current_language' ], $_REQUEST [ 'label' ], $_REQUEST [ 'labelValue' ] ) ;
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['validation']) && isset($_REQUEST['customjs']) && mb_strlen(trim($_REQUEST['validation']))>0 && mb_strlen(trim($_REQUEST['customjs']))>0){
+ $module->setLabel($GLOBALS['current_language'],'LBL_'.mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['name']).'_JS_ERR_MSG',$_REQUEST['customerrormsg']); }
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
$this->view = 'modulefields' ;
Index: modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.modulefield.php
--- modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.modulefield.php (revision 1)
+++ modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.modulefield.php (working copy)
@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@
$fv->ss->assign('module', $module);
$fv->ss->assign('package', $package);
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
+ if(isset($vardef['validation']['errorMessage']) && !empty($vardef['validation']['errorMessage']))
+ //HACK :Upgrade sugarbase to SugarCRM 5.5
+ $vardef['validation']['errorMessage'] = $module->getLabel($GLOBALS['current_language'],$vardef['validation']['errorMessage']);
+ //HACK :Upgrade sugarbase to SugarCRM 5.5
+ //HACK : MB support for customcode actions/validation (onblur/onsave)
$fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities($module->getLabel('en_us',$vardef['vname']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));