I can across an one of my old storage hard disks which I use as backup. I plugged it in and went exploring and found a few programs PERL scripts from 1996 :). I do vaguely remember the HTML mixed code.
These 2 scripts was responsible for the download and upload of images to a image database in an Oracle database. It actually ended up serving up to 60K page-hits a day where each page contained about 5-10 pictures for a few years and performed acceptably at the time.
Pure nostalgia :)
Here is the upload script:
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If a debugging variable is sent as a # parameter in the query_string then set debugging mode on. if ( $ENV { 'QUERY_STRING' } =~ /debug/g) { my $debugMode = $in { 'debug' }; } else { my $debugMode = 0; } #print &PrintHeader; my $dataSource = "dbi:$driver:${db_name}" ; my $dbh = DBI-> connect ( $dataSource , $user , $passwd ) || die "Error connecting to database: $DBI::errstr\n" ; &insert_data; exit ; sub insert_data() { # Upload binary data foreach $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } $query ->param()) { next if ( $key =~ /^\s*$/); next if ( $query ->param( $key ) =~ /^\s*$/); next if ( $key !~ /^media:/); ( $garbage , $filenumber ) = split (/:/, $key ); $filenumber =~ s/file//; $desc = "desc" . $filenumber ; $mime = "mime" . $filenumber ; $cat = "cat" . $filenumber ; $Number = $1 ; if ( $query ->param( $key ) =~ /([^\/\\]+)$/) { $Filename = $1 ; $Filename =~ s/^\.+//; $File_Handle = $query ->param( $key ); $no_bytes = ( stat ( $File_Handle ))[7]; } undef $BytesRead ; undef $Buffer ; read ( $File_Handle , $Buffer , $no_bytes ); # Get the next id from the database my $sqlId = " SELECT icseq_media_elements.NEXTVAL FROM dual"; my $id = $dbh ->selectrow_array( $sqlId ); $string = $File_Handle ; $string =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)//g; $ext = $2 ; # Save image to database $sqlInsert = " INSERT INTO ic_media_elements (media_id, media, mime_type, org_file_name, file_size, description, category_id, user_created, date_created, user_changed, date_changed) VALUES (:media_id, :media, :mime_type, :org_file_name, :file_size, :description, :category_id, :user_created, SYSDATE, :user_changed, SYSDATE)"; $sth = $dbh ->prepare( $sqlInsert ); $sth ->bind_param( ":media_id" , $id ); $sth ->bind_param( ":media" , $Buffer , SQL_BINARY); $sth ->bind_param( ":mime_type" , $in { $mime }); $sth ->bind_param( ":org_file_name" , $Filename ); $sth ->bind_param( ":file_size" , $no_bytes ); $sth ->bind_param( ":description" , $in { $desc }); $sth ->bind_param( ":category_id" , $in { $cat }); $sth ->bind_param( ":user_created" , "administrator" ); $sth ->bind_param( ":user_changed" , "administrator" ); $sth ->execute(); # Save image to file if (! open (OUTFILE, ">$SAVE_DIRECTORY\/$id\.$ext" )) { print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n" ; print "-------------------------\n" ; print "Error:\n" ; print "-------------------------\n" ; print "File: $SAVE_DIRECTORY\/$Filename\n" ; print "-------------------------\n" ; print "There was an error opening the Output File\n" ; print "for Writing.\n\n" ; print "Make sure that the directory:\n" ; print "$SAVE_DIRECTORY\n" ; print "has been chmodded with the permissions '777'.\n\n" ; print "Also, make sure that if your attempting\n" ; print "to overwrite an existing file, that the\n" ; print "existing file is chmodded '666' or better.\n\n" ; print "The Error message below should help you diagnose\n" ; print "the problem.\n\n" ; print "Error: $!\n" ; exit ; } if ( $NT_SERVER ) { binmode (OUTFILE); } { next ;} print OUTFILE $Buffer ; close (OUTFILE); push ( @Files_Written , "$SAVE_DIRECTORY\/$Filename" ); $TOTAL_BYTES += $no_bytes ; $Confirmation { $File_Handle } = $no_bytes ; close ( $File_Handle ); $FILES_UPLOADED = scalar ( keys ( %Confirmation )); } print header; print <<__END_OF_HTML_CODE__; <html> <head> <title>Resultat af data upload</title> < link rel= "stylesheet" href= "/cm.css/CMfont.css" type= "text/css" > </head> <body bgcolor= "#FFFFFF" text= "#000000" > <table width= "560" border= "1" cellspacing= "0" align= "center" > < tr bgcolor= "#FFFF00" > <td colspan= "3" class= "divText" > Du har uploadet de følgende <b> $FILES_UPLOADED </b> fil(er) til $driver databasen "$db_name" . Den totale datamængde var på <B> $TOTAL_BYTES </B> bytes. </td> </ tr > < tr bgcolor= "#CCCCCC" > <td width= "400" class= "divTextH2" >Fil</td> <td width= "160" class= "divTextH2" >Størrelse </td> </ tr > __END_OF_HTML_CODE__ foreach $key ( keys ( %Confirmation )) { print <<__END_OF_HTML_CODE__; < tr bgcolor= "#FFFFFF" > <td width= "400" class= "divText" > $key </td> <td align=right width= "160" > $Confirmation { $key } bytes</td> < tr > __END_OF_HTML_CODE__ } print <<__END_OF_HTML_CODE__; </TABLE> </body> </html> __END_OF_HTML_CODE__ exit ; } |
and the download script
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 | #!c:\oracle\oraport/Apache/perl/5.00503/bin/MSWin32-x86/perl.exe # # FILE NAME: # media.cgi # # # DESCRIPTION: # Retrieves an media elements (jpeg, gif, mov ..) from the database and shows # it in the same way as if it had been on the filesystem. # # ABSTRACT: # Based on a 'page_id' and the 'insert_area_name' sent as parameters issue an # SQL to the database retrieve media and the mime_type columns from the specific # row found. # # # HISTORY: # Date Developer Version Description Of Changes Made # ---- --------- ------- --------------------------- # 14/7-2001 Kenneth Thorman 1.0 Original ########################### User defined variables ############################# $ENV {ORACLE_HOME} = '/u02/oracle/ora817' ; $ENV {NLS_LANG} = 'danish_denmark.we8iso8859p1' ; $ENV {ORA_NLS33} = '/u02/oracle/ora817/ocommon/nls/admin/data' ; my $user = "USERNAME" ; my $passwd = "PASSWORD" ; my $driver = "Oracle" ; my $db_name = "DATABASENAME" ; ################################################################################ use CGI qw(:standard, :cgi-lib); use DBI qw(:sql_types); $query = new CGI; local *in; &ReadParse(*in); $dataSource = "dbi:$driver:${db_name}" ; $dbh = DBI-> connect ( $dataSource , $user , $passwd ); # Make sure buffer is big enough for CLOB, BLOB (200KB) $dbh ->{LongReadLen}= 200 * 1024; # SQL statement to select an media based on page_id, and insert_area_name $sql = " SELECT media, mime_type FROM ic_media_elements WHERE media_id = :media_id"; $sth = $dbh ->prepare( $sql ); # Bind the input values to named place holders to allow for caching $sth ->bind_param( ":media_id" , $in { 'media_id' }); $sth ->execute(); # Binding output columns to minimize variables used. $sth ->bind_col( 1, \ $media ); $sth ->bind_col( 2, \ $mime_type ); $sth ->fetch(); print $query ->header( $mime_type ), $media ; $sth ->finish; $dbh ->disconnect; |