Once in a while the navigation department inputs the wrong SP start number
referenced to the preplots ex. start SP 3500 when it should be 3490. This script
takes as input the filename of the file you want to change, and the amount of SP
offset the recorded (wrong) SP number by.
You must add a "+" or a "-" in front of the SP change to be applied
#!/opt/perl5/bin/perl # Sub routine declaration sub CheckCommandLineSyntax; sub DisplayOnlineHelp; # Main script CheckCommandLineSyntax; $outfile = "$ARGV[0]" . ".SPcor"; open (P190, "$ARGV[0]") or die ("Could not open $file.\n"); open (OUT, ">$outfile") or die ("Could not open $file.\n"); $x = 0; $line = <P190>; while ($line ne "") { if (($line =~ /^V/g) or ($line =~ /^E/g) or ($line =~ /^S/g) or ($line =~ /^C/g) or ($line =~ /^T/g)) { $SPInFile = substr ($line,20,5); $CorrectedSP = eval($SPInFile . $ARGV[1]); $CorrectedSP = " " . $CorrectedSP; $CorrectedSP = substr($CorrectedSP, length($CorrectedSP) - 5, length($CorrectedSP)); $line =~ s/$SPInFile/$CorrectedSP/g; print OUT ($line); $x++; if ($x == 500) { print ("Now processing: \'$SPInFile\' -> \'$CorrectedSP\'\n"); $x = 0; } } else { print OUT ($line); } $line = <P190>; } close(P190); close(OUT); # Sub routine implementation sub CheckCommandLineSyntax{ $arg_cnt = @ARGV; if ($arg_cnt != 2){ DisplayOnlineHelp; die ("SYNTAX: change_sp <FILENAME> <+/- SP TO CHANGE> ...\n\n"); } } sub DisplayOnlineHelp{ $~ = "HELP"; write; } format HELP = change_sp v1.0 by Kenneth Thorman DESCRIPTION: ------------ Once in a while the navigation department inputs the wrong SP start number referenced to the preplots ex. start SP 3500 when it should be 3490. This script takes as input the filename of the file you want to change, and the amount of SP offset the recorded (wrong) SP number by. IMPORTANT: ---------- You must add a "+" or a "-" in front of the SP change to be applied Script : change_sp Version : 1.0 Author : Kenneth Thorman Date : 21/6 - 2000 .