This is an old C-shell script I wrote for a applying tide corrections to P1/90 files. I was running on HP-UX 9.20, so this is rather old :)
This script will apply tide corrections to a number of files
in the current directory.
It will need some things to work:
A tide correction file in the following format
(This file needs to be in the same directory as the p190 file)
Julian seconds:
23673600 .25 274 0 0: 0 11098
Woodside format:
0: 0 11098 0.25
The script will not change the original files, it will make
a copy with tidal corrections applied.
Tide corrected p190 files will be put at : ./tide_corrected/
Original p190 files will be moved to : ./uncorrected/
This script will apply tide corrections to a number of files
in the current directory.
It will need some things to work:
A tide correction file in the following format
(This file needs to be in the same directory as the p190 file)
Julian seconds:
23673600 .25 274 0 0: 0 11098
Woodside format:
0: 0 11098 0.25
The script will not change the original files, it will make
a copy with tidal corrections applied.
Tide corrected p190 files will be put at : ./tide_corrected/
Original p190 files will be moved to : ./uncorrected/
#/bin/csh -f ############################################################################### # SEARCH AND REPLACE TEXT STRINGS # ############################################################################### set find_text = ", NOT FOR TIDES" set replace_text = ", AND FOR TIDES" ############################################################################### # DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU # # ARE DOING. THE CHANGES THAT YOU MAKE TO THE SCRIPT BEYOND THIS # # POINT COULD MAKE THE SCRIPT MISBEHAVE OR CRASH. # # IN WORST CASE IT MIGHT AFFECT YOU DATA # # # # # # # # KENNETH THORMAN # # 18/10-1998 # # # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES # ############################################################################### set file_extension = "tc" set temp_directory = "./temp" ############################## OUTPUT TO USER ################################# clear echo "This script will apply tide corrections to a number of files" echo "in the current directory." echo " " echo "It will need some things to work:" echo " " echo "A tide correction file in the following format " echo "(This file needs to be in the same directory as the p190 file)" echo " " echo "Julian seconds:" echo "23673600 .25 274 0 0: 0 11098" echo " " echo "Woodside format:" echo "0: 0 11098 0.25" echo " " echo " " echo "The script will not change the original files, it will make" echo "a copy with tidal corrections applied." echo " " echo " " echo "Tide corrected p190 files will be put at : ./tide_corrected/" echo "Original p190 files will be moved to : ./uncorrected/" echo " " echo " " tput bold echo -n " DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N):" tput sgr0 set continue = $< ##################### YES I WANT TO APPLY TIDE CORRECTIONS #################### if (($continue == "y") || ($continue == "Y")) then repeat 2 echo " " tput bold # ASKING THE USER FOR THE FILE PREFIX echo -n "What is the prefix for the files you want to tide correct(HZI98..): " tput sgr0 set file_prefix = $< # WRITING INFORMATION HEADER TO THE LOG (Tide.log) echo " TIDE CORRECTION LOG" > Tide.log echo " -------------------" >>Tide.log repeat 4 echo " " >> Tide.log # GETTING A LIST OVER ALL THE FILES IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY THAT MATCH # THE FILE PREFIX THE USER HAS TYPED IN set file_list = `ls -1 ${file_prefix}*` # WRITING ALL THE FILES OCCURING IN THE FILE_LIST TO THE LOG echo "Files specified for tidal correction" >> Tide.log foreach file($file_list) echo "${file}" >> Tide.log end # IF THE file_list IS EMPTY THEN THER IS NO FILES IN THE CURRENT # DIRECTORY, WITH THE USER SPECIFIED FIL PREFIX. WRITING THE OUTPUT # TO BOTH THE SCREEN AND TO THE LOG. IF THERE IS NO FILES WITH THE # SAME PREFIX AS SPECIFIED THEN EXIT if ($#file_list == 0) then tput bold echo " " echo "There is no file with the prefix ${file_prefix} in `pwd`" | tee -a Tide.log echo "Exiting..." | tee -a Tide.log tput sgr0 exit endif # ASKING THE USER FOR WHICH TIDAL CORRECTION FILE HE/SHE WANTS TO USE repeat 2 echo " " tput bold echo -n "What is the name of the tide correction file: " tput sgr0 set tide_cor_file = $< # CHECKING IF THE TIDE CORRECTION FILE SPECIFIED BY THE USER # EXISTS IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY. KEEPS ON ASKING THE USER # UNTIL A FILE THAT ACTUALLY EXITS IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY IS # SPECIFIED. TO BREAK THE LOOP PRESS <CTRL> + C set tide_file_found = `ls -1 ${tide_cor_file}` while ($#tide_file_found == 0) echo "There is no tide correction file named '$tide_cor_file' in this directory" | tee -a Tide.log repeat 2 echo " " tput bold echo -n "What is the name of the tide correction file: " tput sgr0 set tide_cor_file = $< set tide_file_found = `ls -1 ${tide_cor_file}` end # WRITING INFORMATION TO THE LOG echo "Tide correction file set to ${tide_cor_file}" >> Tide.log # ASKING THE UDER WHAT FORMAT THE TIDE CORRECTION FILE IS IN repeat 2 echo " " tput bold echo "What format is ${tide_cor_file} (1, 2 or 3)? " tput sgr0 echo " " echo "1. Julian seconds:" echo " 23673600 .25 274 0 0: 0 11098" echo "2. Woodside format:" echo " 0: 0 11098 0.25" echo "3. Other Format" echo " " tput bold echo -n "Format(1, 2 or 3): " tput sgr0 set format = $< # IF THE FORMAT SPECIFIED BY THE USER IS JULIAN SECONDS THEN THE # TIDE CORRECTION PROGRAM CAN USE THE FILE DIRECTLY. if ($format == 1) then echo "Tide corretion file format is Julian seconds" >> Tide.log # IF THE FORMAT SPECIFIED BY THE USER IS WOODSIDE TIDE CORRECTION # FILE FORMAT THEN THE PROGRAM CANNOT USE THE FILE DIRECTLY. THE SCRIPT # WILL THEN CHANGE THE FORMAT TO JULIAN SECONDS. else if ($format == 2) then repeat 2 echo " " tput bold # WRITING INFORMATION TO THE LOG echo "Tide correction file is in Woodside format." >> Tide.log echo "Woodside format not compatible." >> Tide.log echo "Converting Woodside format to Julian seconds format" >> Tide.log # LETTING THE USER KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING echo "Creating Julian seconds formatted tide correction file." echo "Please wait, this may take a while..." tput sgr0 echo " " echo " " echo " " # CREATING THE TEXT FILE NEEDED FOR THE CONVERTION # FORMAT FOR THE TEXT FILE IS: # # LINE 1: NAME OF TIDE CORRECTION FILE IN WOODSIDE FORMAT # LINE 2: NAME OF THE OUTPUT FILE IN JULIAN SECONDS FORMAT # (THIS IS THE ORIGINAL NAME + .js) echo $tide_cor_file > c2jtime_hp.script echo "$tide_cor_file.js" >> c2jtime_hp.script # USE THE TEXT FILE JUST CREATED TO CREATE THE NEW FORMATED # TIDE CORRECTION FILE AUTOMATICALLY. CALL TO C PROGRAM. # THE PROGRAM IS RESIDING IN /home.sprint/bin/ c2jtime_hp <c2jtime_hp.script >> Tide.log # REMOVE THE TEXT FILE rm -f c2jtime_hp.script # IF THE USER SPECIFIES ANOTHER FORMAT THAN EITHER WOODSIDE OR # JULIAN SECONDS THEN THE SCRIPT CANNOT HANDLE IT SO EXIT else # If other format then abort repeat 2 echo " " tput bold # WRITE INFORMATION TO THE LOG echo "The format for the tide correction file is neither Woodside format" >> Tide.log echo "or Julian seconds format. Format not supported." >> Tide.log echo "Aborting." >> Tide.log echo "Exiting script" >> Tide.log # OUTPUT INFORMATION FOR THE USER echo " FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED - ABORTING." tput sgr0 exit endif # NOW GETTING READY TO TIDE CORRECT THE P190 FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY # THIS IS DONE BY A PROGRAM. THIS PROGRAM NORMALLY NEEDS USER INPUT # IN THIS FORM: # 1. WHAT IS THE TIDE CORRECTION YOU WANT TO USE CALLED? # 2. WHAT P190 FILE DO YOU WANT TO TIDE CORRECT? # 3. WHAT IS THE NAME FOR THE NEW P190 OUTPUT FILE? # 4. USE THE SAME TIDE CORRECTION FILE FOR ANOTHER P190 FILE? repeat 2 echo " " tput bold echo "Creating script file needed by tide correction program: p190tide_hp" echo "Please wait, this may take some time" echo "Creating script file needed for tide correction program." >> Tide.log echo "Script file named: tide.script" >> Tide.log tput sgr0 echo " " set IsJulianSeconds = `ls -1 $tide_cor_file | grep -c ".js"` # IF THE TIDE CORRECTION FILE FORMAT IS JULIAN SECONDS # THEN JUST USE THE FILENAME AS SPECIFIED BY THE USER # BUT IF THE INITIAL FILE GIVEN BY THE USER IS WOODSIDE FORMAT # THEN THE SCRIPT HAS RENAMED THE CONVERTED FILE TO FILENAME + .js # THEN UED THIS FILENAME. # WRITE THIS INFORMATION TO THE SCRIPT FILE REQUIRED BY THE # P190 CONVERTION PROGRAM if ($IsJulianSeconds > 0) then echo "${tide_cor_file}" > tide_script else echo "${tide_cor_file}.js" > tide_script endif # CREATING THE SCRIPT FILE FOR ALL OF THE P190 FILES THAT NEED # TIDE CORRECTIONS set file_list = `ls -1 ${file_prefix}*` foreach file ($file_list) # WRITE INPUT P190 FILE TO FILE echo $file >> tide_script # WRITE INFO TO LOG echo "${file} added to scriptfile." >> Tide.log # WRITE WHERE TO PUT THE TIDE CORRECTED OUTPUT FILE echo "./tide_corrected/${file}" >> tide_script # IF THE FILE IS NOT THE LAST FILE THE WRITE AN "y" # THIS IS THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION # USE THE SAME TIDE CORRECTION FILE FOR ANOTHER P190 FILE? # IF IT IS THE LAST FILE THEN WRITE "n" if $file != $file_list[$#file_list] then echo "y" >> tide_script else echo "n" >> tide_script endif end #foreach # TELL THE USER AND WRITE TO THE LOG THAT THE SCRIPT FILE IS FINISHED echo "Finished creating script file." | tee -a Tide.log # CHECKING THAT THE NECESARY DIRECTORY STRUCTURE IS EXISTING # IF IT IS NOT THEN CREATE WHAT IS MISSING echo "Now checking directory structure" | tee -a Tide.log if ! -d tide_corrected then # checking if directory exits mkdir ./tide_corrected echo "Directory ./tide_corrected not found." | tee -a Tide.log echo "Creating directory ./tide_corrected." | tee -a Tide.log else echo "Directory ./tide_corrected allready exists, so do not create." | tee -a Tide.log endif if ! -d uncorrected then # checking if directory exits mkdir ./uncorrected echo "Directory ./uncorrected not found." | tee -a Tide.log echo "Creating directory ./uncorrected." | tee -a Tide.log else echo "Directory ./uncorrected allready exists, so do not create." | tee -a Tide.log endif # TELL THE USER THAT THE SCRIPT IS FINISHED CREATING DIRECTORY # STRUCTURE echo "Finished checking directory structure" | tee -a Tide.log echo " " echo " " tput bold echo "Now tide correcting p190 files." | tee -a Tide.log echo "This may take a long time depending on how many files you are correcting" echo "Note: If you files contains SRG's this may take hours" tput sgr0 repeat 2 echo " " | tee -a Tide.log # CALL TO THE TIDE CORRECTION PROGRAM. THIS PROGRAM IS A C PROGRAM # RESIDING IN /home/sprint/bin/. # THE PROGRAM IS CALLED WITH THE TEST FILE THAT CONTAINS THE # INFORMATION ABOUT WHICH FILES TO CORRECT, WHAT TO NAME THE OUTPUT # FILES AND WHAT TIDE CORRECTION FILE TO USE p190tide_hp <tide_script | tee -a Tide.log repeat 2 echo " " | tee -a Tide.log # WRINTING INFORMATION TO THE LOG cd ./tide_corrected set file_list = `ls ${file_prefix}*.p190` foreach file ($file_list) echo "${file} has been tide corrected" >> ../Tide.log end cd .. # INFORMATION echo " " >> Tide.log echo "All files have now been tide corrected." | tee -a Tide.log # REMOVING THE TEXTFILE / SCRIPTFILE USED BY THE TIDE CCORRECTION # PROGRAM rm -f tide_script echo "Removing tide.script" >> Tide.log # MOVING THE ORIGINAL FILES TO DIRECTORY ./uncorrected/ tput bold echo " " echo " " echo "Moving original p190 files to ./uncorrected" | tee -a Tide.log echo " " tput sgr0 mv ./$file_prefix* ./uncorrected/ cd tide_corrected # IF THERE IS NO TEMPORARY DIRECTORY IN ./tide_corrected THEN MAKE ONE if (! -d temp) then echo "Creating temp directory." >> ../Tide.log mkdir temp endif # GETTING READY TO TRY TO CHANGE THE HEADER IN THE TIDE # CORRECTED P190 FILES set file_list = `ls -1 ${file_prefix}*.p190` repeat 4 echo " " tput bold echo "The script is now going to try to change the header on the files" echo "that has been tide corrected." echo " " echo "The script makes a search/replace from the first line of the p190" echo "to line 40." echo " " echo "The search and replace values are specified in the script." echo "If the search and replace values does not suit you then" echo "you will have to change them in the script." echo " " echo " " echo "The current search value is : ${find_text}" echo "The current replace value is: ${replace_text}" echo " " echo " " echo "If you know that you p190 header specifies tidal correction in" echo "different way or with other textstrings than these mentioned" echo "above, then exit the script now and change the search and" echo "replace strings in the script before continuing" echo " " echo "You can find the script /home/sprint/bin/tide_correct " echo " " echo -n " Do you wish to continue(Y/N):" set exit = $< echo " " if (($exit == "n") || ($exit == "N")) then echo "Script aborted by user." >> ../Tide.log exit endif # INFORMATION echo "Trying to change header for tide corrected files." | tee -a ../Tide.log tput sgr0 # GET A LIST OVER ALL THE FILES THAT JUST HAVE BEEN TIDE CORRECTED # IF THE USER TIDE CORRECTS HIS FILES SEVERAL TIMES THE SCRIPT WILL # AUTOMATICALLY KNOW THIS AND IT WILL NOT TOUCH ANY FILES WITH THE # CORRECT HEADER set file_list = `ls -1 ${file_prefix}*{.p190,.cmb,.srg}` foreach file ($file_list) # LOOKING FOR THE FIND_TEST IN THE P190. # IF THE USER USES ANOTHER WAY OF DESCRIBING IF THE P190 FILE IS # TIDE CORRECTED OR NOT TIDE CORRECTED THEN THE USER MUST CHANGE # THE SEARCH STRING IN THE TOP OF THE SCRIPT. AS DEFAULT THE SCRIPT # LOOKS FOR ", NOT FOR TIDES" AND REPLACES THIS WITH ", AND FOR TIDES" # # THIS IS A NORMAL HEADER IN A P190 (NO TIDE CORRECTION) # # H2600DEPTH DATA REDUCTION CORRECTED FOR TRANSDUCER DEPTH, NOT FOR TIDES # # # # THE SCRIPT COPIES THE P190 TO A TEMP DIRECTORY AND CHANGES THE # HEADER TO THIS # # H2600DEPTH DATA REDUCTION CORRECTED FOR TRANSDUCER DEPTH, AND FOR TIDES set number_of_finds = `cat ${file} | grep -c -E -e ", ${find_text}"` if ($#number_of_finds > 0) then echo "${#number_of_finds} match(es) to '${find_text}' found in ${file}" | tee -a ../Tide.log echo "Now changing header for file: ${file}" | tee -a ../Tide.log sed "1,40 s/${find_text}/${replace_text}/g" ${file} > ${temp_directory}/${file}.${file_extension} rm -f ./${file} else echo "${file} does not contain any matches to '${find_text}'" | tee -a ../Tide.log endif end # MOVING ALL THE TIDE CORRECTED P190 FILES WITH THE CORRECT HEADER # TO ./tide_corrected mv $temp_directory/* ./ echo "Moving all files from temp directory to ./tide_corrected" >> ../Tide.log rm -f -r $temp_directory echo " " tput bold # CHECKING DIRECTORY ""./tide_corrected" IF ANY COMBINED FILES EXISTS # IF ANY .cmb IS FOUND THEN CREATE README FILE. # BEFORE CREATING THE README FILE CHECK IF IT ALLREAY EXISTS echo "Checking ./tide_corrected for any .cmb files" | tee -a ../Tide.log set temp = `ls -1 $file_prefix* | grep -c 'cmb'` if ($temp > 0) then echo ".cmb files found." echo "Checking for README file in ./tide_corrected" | tee -a ../Tide.log set temp = `ls -1 | grep -c 'README'` if ($temp == 0) then echo "No README file found in ./tide_corrected" |tee -a ../Tide.log echo "Creating README file in ./tide_corrected" |tee -a ../Tide.log makeREADME else echo "README exists" |tee -a ../Tide.log endif else echo "No .cmb files found" | tee -a ../Tide.log endif cd .. cd uncorrected echo " " # CHECKING DIRECTORY ""./uncorrected" IF ANY COMBINED FILES EXISTS # IF ANY .cmb IS FOUND THEN CREATE README FILE. # BEFORE CREATING THE README FILE CHECK IF IT ALLREAY EXISTS echo "Checking ./uncorrected for any .cmb files" | tee -a ../Tide.log set temp = `ls -1 $file_prefix* | grep -c 'cmb'` if ($temp > 0) then echo ".cmb files found." echo "Checking for README file in ./uncorrected" | tee -a ../Tide.log set temp = `ls -1 | grep -c 'README'` if ($temp == 0) then echo "No README file found in ./uncorrected" |tee -a ../Tide.log echo "Creating README file in /uncorrected" |tee -a ../Tide.log makeREADME else echo "README exists" |tee -a ../Tide.log endif else echo "No .cmb files found" | tee -a ../Tide.log endif cd .. echo " " tput sgr0 echo "Finished" ############### NO, I DON'T WANT TO APPLY TIDE CORRECTIONS ################## else exit endif